![Blog of Aaron J.: Ultimate Guide to Fire Door Inspections [for Facility Managers]](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BnHLY6iqiS4/XQiMhVljfZI/AAAAAAAAUHk/ww4fXFquN4UvGv5PDng-kmgnFMdPyR62QCLcBGAs/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/webbanner_firedoor_FINAL%2B-%2BEdited.jpg)
Fire doors are a critical part of any fire protection system. They must be capable of withstanding the heat and pressure generated by a fire for a period of at least 30 minutes, which is the internationally recognized standard time for fire services to respond and control a blaze. Unfortunately, many businesses fail to recognize the importance of fire doors, or they mistakenly assume that because they have fire alarms and sprinklers, they don’t need further precautions such as fire doors. In fact, an inspector in the United States recently told media that he had found several businesses with no visible fire detection or sprinkler systems. Instead, these businesses had only installed tight-fitting fire doors so that if there were a fire, it would remain contained within the business and not spread to other buildings nearby.
What does a fire door do?
Fire doors are used to restrict the spread of fire and smoke from one area to another. They are normally made of steel and are designed to resist the effects of heat and extreme temperatures, which makes them an ideal part of a fire protection system in a commercial or industrial building. Fire doors are often installed at the entrance to individual rooms or buildings to protect the integrity of the entire property and to prevent the fire from spreading. Fire doors are also designed to keep smoke out of a building and prevent the spread of toxic fumes and contaminants. When a fire occurs, the smoke generated by the flames travels along the floor and up the walls, and could easily seep into your building through the doorways. Fire doors are fitted with tightly fitted frames to ensure that smoke can’t pass along the floor or up the walls.
Knowing when to conduct a fire door inspection
As with any other part of your fire protection system, you should conduct an inspection of fire doors at least once every six months. Although these types of inspections should be a routine part of your fire safety management plan, many businesses overlook this essential step. As a rule of thumb, if you have installed new fire doors or made any major changes to your premises, you should inspect the fire doors to ensure the integrity of the system. Additionally, if you are in the process of doing work that may involve the removal or replacement of fire doors, such as renovations, repairs, or remodelling, you should also thoroughly inspect the fire doors.
Before the inspection: Preparing for your fire door audit
Before you start the inspection, take a few minutes to prepare. This will help you conduct a thorough audit and will ensure that you don’t miss any issues that might require attention. For each fire door that you come across, make a note of the following:
– Which door is it and which building is it connected to?
– What type of door is it? What is its purpose?
– What condition is the door in?
– Are there any dents?
– What is the door’s repair history?
– What is the door’s maintenance schedule?
– How old is the door?
During the inspection: What to look for
While conducting the inspection, take note of the condition of the door and its frame. Fire doors should be in good condition, without any visible dents or scratches. If you see that a door is badly dented, you should have it replaced. You should also examine the tightness and rigidity of the door’s frame. Additionally, as you move through the building, take note of any areas that could use improvement. For example, you may find that a door needs to be repositioned to close properly or that a door needs to be replaced entirely.
While you’re inspecting each door, look for the following issues:
– Bent frame
– Improper door position and installation
– Misalignment
– Loose screws and bolts
– Cracked or damaged door frame
– Cracked or damaged door
– Cracked or missing door seal
– Missing or broken door handle
– Damaged or broken door lock
– Missing door identification
After the inspection: Taking action!
When you’ve completed the inspection, make sure to note down the inspection date and the date when you plan to do the next inspection. Once you’ve finished, you should take corrective action for any issues you found during the audit. For example, if you discovered that a door needs to be repositioned, you should fix it immediately. If you have a door that needs to be replaced entirely, an experienced fire door contractor can help you put together a budget and schedule for the replacement.
A fire door must be in good working order at all times, as it is one of the main protective measures in a fire protection system. If a fire door is damaged or not in proper working order, it could fail to close or seal properly, or it could fail to close at all. A door that does not close properly or a door that fails to close entirely is a serious safety hazard. If your fire door fails to pass an inspection, you could earn a citation and incur hefty fines. In fact, many building departments will issue you a violation if you don’t have a certified fire door. Additionally, if you don’t have a fire door, your business could be at a higher risk of being damaged by a fire. This could lead to loss of income, financial loss, and interruption of service due to the fire. Fire doors are an essential part of any fire protection system, so make sure to keep yours in good working order!
Find out more about correct fire safety and protocol at Capital Fire Doors.
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