A remodeling proposal serves several purposes. First and foremost, it’s a communications tool. It puts you and your potential customer on the same page. But it’s also a sales tool. It can help your potential customer envision the end result of the remodel.
And sometimes that’s exactly what’s needed to close the sale.
In this article, we’ll walk you through the basics of creating your own proposal template. We’ll explain why remodeling proposals are valuable sales tools, and what you need to include to get the most out of yours.
By the end of the article, you’ll have all the info you need to create your own template that you can start using today.
Why Modeling Proposals Help Close Sales
A well-written modeling proposal will help win over a client. Why? Because a solid proposal will help the client envision the finished project. Not only that, but it will also eliminate a lot of potential miscommunications by setting expectations.
Both you and the client will know what you’re getting into, how much it will cost, what the timeline is, and what the results will be.
That’s because a comprehensive proposal describes every step of the remodeling process. All that information (combined with your selling expertise, of course) makes a subtle but powerful argument for your business.
“Proposals can make all the difference between losing a sale and closing one. And when done properly, a proposal will not only help close the sale, but it will also make that sale larger than it otherwise would have been.” – Forbes
Qualities of a Winning Remodeling Proposal
Most homeowners will compare several remodelers before deciding on one. Keep in mind that your proposal will almost certainly be up against others.
But you can easily stand out.
To ensure your proposal rises to the top, it needs to be …
- Client-focused
- Clear and easy to understand
- Brief and to the point
- Transparent about pricing and expectations
- Visually appealing
Designing Your Own Remodeling Proposal Template
There are a lot of proposal template builders online. They come in all different forms. You can use something as simple as Google Docs or something more design-oriented, like Canva.
A generic template is a good place to start. That will give you a basic structure and flow. Plus, generic templates will typically include all the essentials for you.
But don’t stop there. Rather than grabbing a generic proposal template and running with it, we strongly advise you to add your own touches.
Your proposal template represents you and your business. Whether you leave a printed copy with the homeowner or email them a copy, it will continue to represent you even after you finish your sales pitch. You want it to convey your unique branding style, structure and flow.
Here’s our general guide to designing a proposal template.
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Decide On a Document Structure
The structure of your proposal is important. You want to break down all the information and group it into digestible sections. Plus, it helps if the most critical info (like your contact information and an overview of the project) is front and center.
Here’s a solid top-down structure for your proposal template:
- Branding & company info
- Client’s information—address, phone number and email address
- Details about the proposed project—the scope of work, logistics, terms, schedule, etc.
- Legal information—permits, warranties and insurance
- Costs and payment options
Stick to the Essentials
You’re writing the proposal for the client. Your focus should be on what’s important to them.
For example, they might want basic information about logistics. But there’s no need to go into detail about labor schedules or and material delivery. You only need to include that kind of information if it will affect the client directly.
The goal is to keep the proposal short and precise. Don’t overload homeowners with unnecessary information.
Ideally, the proposal shouldn’t be longer than a few pages, at most.
“Focus on making it visual and easy to read.” – The Blueprint
Make Your Proposal Pop
Images and graphics will help illustrate some of the ideas in your proposal. Plus, little touches, like your company’s logo, will add an air of professionalism.
You can use photos from the actual site (if available) or stock images from similar projects to demonstrate work processes. Or include pictures of completed jobs—with your customers’ permission, of course. Or even icons throughout to call attention to important information.
Any of these options will add visual appeal.
Remember, homeowners are interested in aesthetics. They want any remodeling work to look good when the project is complete. Your proposal should be just as visually appealing as your remodeling work.
Bonus Tips
If you’re ready to go the extra mile, here are a couple of extra tips to really help you close sales.
Digital Delivery
After drafting a proposal, you want to ensure the client receives, reads and understands it. Instead of sending proposals through snail mail, use digital document-sharing platforms such as Google Drive.
This way, you can track the document and see who reads the proposal. Plus, you can encourage feedback from the client through live comments and edits on the document.
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Follow Up
Finally, don’t wait for the homeowner to contact you after reading the proposal. Proactively follow up with them.
Ask if they have any questions about the proposal. Also ask how they feel about the project, in general. If they decline your offer, try to find out why. It could be a small issue you can easily iron out.
Wrapping Up
A well-drafted remodeling proposal can serve as a project bid and a starting point for serious negotiations. It sets expectations … and sets you up to close the sale.
Take your time to do the research, test different templates, and align your pitch with homeowners’ expectations. And be sure to craft a proposal template that embodies your company’s image.
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